Nogier Frequencies

“Veterinary acupuncturists came to believe that although both the wavelength (spectrum) and pulsing of light are important, pulsing is more critical to treatment results than wavelength (spectrum) and pulsing at Nogier’s frequencies produces the best results observed to date.”

– Charles McGee, MD

– Dr. Paul Nogier

Our lives depend on a symphony of vibrations— a symphony that is often unheard and unseen until we experience symptoms of discomfort and eventually disease. This symphony of vibration or frequencies is the language of the universe. Every form of life depends on frequencies. The light we see and the sounds we hear are in the visible and audible vibratory range. The orchestra of life and the universe, however, includes many other instruments that vibrate faster and slower than those we see or hear.

Energy Medicine

Understanding energy medicine facilitates comprehension of the operation of the Nogier frequencies. In the world of natural medicine and health care, the term “energy medicine” is well known. To promote health, energy medicine works to restore the body’s natural frequencies or vibrations. To have a better understanding of how effectively the subtle energies or vibrations for healing operate, we visit the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto in Japan. His research with water illustrates how dynamic invisible vibrations can be.

Dr. Emoto developed a technique to capture how the use of words, as expressed through our emotions and thoughts, has an effect on water. His technology was able to clearly show through photographs the forms in frozen water crystals. Messages were sent to water samples as vibrations (waves) from words, music, and thoughts.

Messages of love and harmony, such as “love and gratitude,” cause water samples to create stunning crystalline structures when frozen. When water was exposed to the words “thank you” in a variety of languages, a beautiful crystal structure always formed. The water also created images resembling snowflakes when it was exposed to uplifting music like “Amazing Grace,” music composed by Mozart or Beethoven, or a prayer.

On the other hand, water from a tap without exposure to any specific messages did not form the clear crystalline structures. Water exposed to heavy metal music formed a darker pattern without any clear crystal structures. The saying “you fool” formed a similar pattern to that of heavy metal music. The words “soul” and “demon” gave a clear comparison of the intention of our words. “Soul” formed a bright, crystal image with a heart shape in the center, while “demon” left a murky, shapeless image.

Dr. Emoto’s work is especially important regarding our bodies because we are composed of around 70% water. The invisible frequencies have a potentially powerful ability to help in the healing of our bodies when cells are exposed to frequencies or vibrations that are natural to healthy body cells. The effect of vibrations that are not in the natural healthy range of body cells may go unnoticed for years. When mental, emotional, and physical symptoms appear, the effect of previously invisible energy becomes visible to us.

The Earth's Frequency

Life is supported by the Earth’s magnetic frequency field; we are always bathed in this invisible frequency field. The Earth’s frequency varies within a narrow range, with 7.83 Hz considered the base frequency; it is known as the Schumann frequency, named after the man who discovered it, Winfried Otto Schumann.

Vibrations are expressed as frequencies. Frequency, measured in hertz (Hz), is an indication of the number of times an object vibrates in one second, or a measurement of cycles per second. For example, the power that operates our household appliances occurs at a frequency of 60 Hz in North America. In Europe, it is delivered at 50 Hz. Therefore, the electrical flow vibrates at a rate of 50 or 60 cycles per second.

There is substantial evidence indicating that the speed of vibrations that power our household appliances at 50 or 60 Hz can have an unhealthy effect on us. Together with the plethora of electronic devices in our world, we are bombarded with frequencies that are harmful to the health of our body cells. For this reason, it can be important to have the tools to expose our body cells to healthy frequencies (waves).

Healthy Frequencies

The effects on our body cells of either beneficial or harmful thoughts, emotions, or words have been illustrated. Our nutrition and environmental influences also affect the vibration (waves) of our cells. If the vibrations are not in a healthy range for our cells, the seeds for diseases are sown. These disease-causing, toxic vibrations (waves) allow pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold to develop. When healthy frequencies are applied, our cells have the opportunity to absorb the frequencies with which they naturally vibrate to keep us healthy. This is the purpose of the Nogier frequencies, which were discovered by French physician Dr. Paul Nogier.

Who Was Paul Nogier?

Dr. Raphaël Nogier, the son of Dr. Nogier, who is also a physician, says, “One cannot understand the work of Paul Nogier without knowing his character.”

His son shares memories of his father in the foreword he wrote for Terry Oleson’s book, Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture.

Dr. Paul Nogier

Dr. Raphaël Nogier said, “There are just a few fortunate people who not only dream, but who are able to carry out their dreams and bring them into reality. Paul Nogier was at the same time a man of innovative thoughts and a man of productive action. He was a gifted clinician of exceptional abilities who attentively listened to his patients, respected what they had to say, and thoroughly investigated their maladies. Tirelessly, he examined patients from Monday morning to Saturday evening, trying to understand and to cure their illnesses […] He was a man who spent much of his time proposing sometimes contradictory new ideas, the majority of which fell by the wayside. Nevertheless, his most original ideas remain […] It is for these discoveries that many students followed him so devotedly.”

Dr. Nogier’s discoveries from the 1950s to the 1970s are widely used in medical acupuncture circles today.

Dr. Nogier left three legacies:

1. The Nogier frequencies

2. The Man in the Ear, or a complete map of the body in the outer ear

3. A system for reading the pulse known as the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS)

This pulse system is used widely in Europe as part of auriculotherapy and also by some acupuncturists to both diagnose and assess treatments.

Natural Body Frequencies

Dr. Paul Nogier made a remarkable finding through meticulous study of the body’s subtle energies: he identified three frequencies that promote the creation of our body tissues:

1. Outermost tissue that forms the brain, spinal cord, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, and teeth. Tissue known medically as the ectoderm.

2. Innermost tissue that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, lungs, bladder, urethra, and auditory tube. Tissue known medically as the endoderm.

3. Middle tissue that forms the connective tissue, heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen, and cortex of the adrenal gland. Tissue known medically as the mesoderm.

Dr. Charles McGee

An American physician and author named Charles McGee, who visited France in the 1970s to take one of Dr. Nogier’s courses, spoke on the significance of this work:

“He must have been astounded by the orderliness of a pattern he discovered. He found that specific body tissues were in resonance with specific frequencies according to their embryologic origin. I believe this single finding will one day be recognized as one of the greatest discoveries of medicine, possibly worth a Nobel Prize for Nogier.”

Dr. Nogier passed away in 1996 without receiving a Nobel Prize.

Dr. Nogier identified seven frequencies that are natural to our bodies—three frequencies that correspond to the three tissue types plus four additional frequencies. His research shows that the application of these frequencies helps to bring organs and tissues back to their healthy resonant frequency.

The natural frequency at which an object, in this example our body cells, vibrates is referred to as the resonant frequency. Cells are considered to have the ability to pick up their particular resonant frequency when they are exposed to a range of healthy frequencies that includes their particular natural healthy frequency.

The Seven Nogier Frequencies

Frequency A | 292Hz

Cellular Vitality: Resonates with the ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms skin, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, the teeth, the brain, and the spinal cord. Assists wound healing, skin and nerve repair, and reduces scar tissue, inflammation, and tumors. Try D if a chronic condition related to A is not improving. Frequency A is a universal frequency (as is G) that can be applied to any condition.

Frequency B | 584Hz

Autonomic Nervous System Balance: Resonates with the endoderm (innermost tissue) that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, the lungs, the bladder, the urethra, and the auditory tube. It also forms the thyroid, thymus, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. Improves nutritional assimilation, reduces allergy problems, and balances the parasympathetic nervous system. Used for circulatory problems, edema, and lymph problems.

Frequency C | 1,168Hz

Muscle and Blood Circulation: Resonates with the mesoderm (middle tissue) that forms connective tissue such as ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle, and bone. It also forms the heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen, and the cortex of the adrenal gland. Used for muscle, skeletal, and myofascial pain. Try D if a chronic condition related to C is not improving.

Frequency D | 2,336Hz

Mind and Body Stress Adjustment: This helps to balance the two sides of the brain. May also help reduce and treat stress.

Frequency E | 4,672Hz

Peripheral Nervous System: Used for spinal and skin disorders and for pain control. Resonates with the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. Veterinary experience: Reduces excess calcification, such as in bone spurs and arthritic joints.

Frequency F | 73Hz – Harmonic Frequency

Hormonal Balance: Resonates with the lower subcortical regions of the brain, including the thalamus and hypothalamus—two major control centers for body functions. May also help with muscle spasms, facial pain, headaches, and depression. It has been used for non-healing bone fractures and to help balance hormones. Veterinary experience: improves circulation.

Frequency G | 146Hz – Harmonic Frequency

Brain Activation Intelligent Tissue: Used for memory, psychological disorders, nervousness, and worry. Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain, which is involved with thinking, imagining, and creating. Veterinary experience: reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments, reduces edema, and improves gums. Frequency G is a universal frequency (as is A) that can be applied to any condition.

Map of the Body on the Outer Ear

Dr. Paul Nogier discovered that all areas of the body are connected to the outer ear, in addition to discovering the natural body frequencies. As a result, he mapped the entire body on the outer ear. This map represents the acupuncture points—the points connected to the Chinese system of meridians—that reach organs and tissues throughout the body.

His son, Dr. Raphaël Nogier, stated that the outer ear is also connected to the body with a network of miniscule neurovascular complexes. These neurovascular complexes or points on the outer ear are “made up of a nerve, a lymphatic vessel, a small artery, and a veinule.”

Dr. Charles McGee explains how Dr. Nogier’s interest in the outer ear began. Dr. McGee said that in 1951, Dr. Nogier saw a lot of elderly people from the Mediterranean area in his medical practice who had small, rectangular scars in the same area of the external ear.

Dr. Nogier discovered that the area had been burned by a traditional healer to ease back pain. The majority of his patients believed the treatment was effective.

Dr. McGee comments, “He began to look for skin changes in the ear and correlated these with disease patterns in his patients.”

After several years of meticulous research and mapping, Dr. Nogier discovered connections to the body represented in the shape of an upside-down fetus. His identification of acupuncture points has been accepted by traditional Chinese medicine.


Dr. Paul Nogier conducted meticulous research to discover frequencies that resonate with the three basic types of tissues—tissues from which our bodies form and from which we continually replenish cells. The embryo develops to the birth stage from these three types of tissues. In addition to these three basic frequencies, Dr. Nogier identified four more frequencies corresponding to body tissues. He concluded that illness results when our cells are out of step with their normal, healthy vibrations.

When we feed our cells their natural healthy frequencies, we give them the opportunity to once again vibrate with health. Today, there are several special wavelength bands that offer the seven Nogier frequencies in addition to the light spectrum choices. The addition of frequencies means the LED light is pulsed. Each LED emits a specific wave with the additional benefit of a healing pulse or frequency. If the seven Nogier frequencies are provided apart from the spectrum selection during the light treatment, the result will be amplified through the tailored treatment effect.

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